
Research activities

The HIA4SD project partner in Mozambique is the Manhiça Health Research Center (CISM). In 2019, the project conducted focus group discussions and interviews in communities near the Montepuez Ruby Mine in Cabo Delgado province, the Moatize coal mines in Tete province and the Titanium mines in Moma and Larde located in Nampula province. A wide range of local stakeholders, including representatives from the mines, the health care sector and community members were consulted to understand local perceptions of health impacts. The findings are summarized in two impact policy briefs (Portuguese (CISM) and English (r4d) version). In addition, interviews with stakeholders at the central-level within Ministries, mining companies and civil society organizations were conducted to discuss potential policy options for managing health impacts of mining projects.

Policy dialogue

Multi-stakeholder meeting in Maputo
The first forum on Research on Health in the Extractive Industry in Mozambique took place on 17 November 2021. The event sparked interest among a broad variety of stakeholders from government, extractive industry, civil society, national and international research and academic institutions. During the meeting, the role of research in bringing evidence of positive and negative effects and its contribution to the recommendation of public health policies in the context of the extractive industry was highlighted. The participants also discussed practical proposals to institutionalize the inclusion of health in current impact assessments coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Land (MTA), Ministry of Health (MISAU), and Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy and how the HIA4SD project can support its implementation. The MISAU recommended developing an action plan to cover health indicators in the impact assessmen . Additionally, the MTA highlighted the current revision of the environmental impact regulation, which might require the development of health action plan when conducting impact assessments for mining projects. Finally, a working group to present the proposals on how to integrate health in the current EIA should be created. The researchers of the project will support the training of technicians on this matter.

The forum was the first event to kick-off a continuous policy dialogue to strengthen the application of health impact assessment in Mozambique. In the coming months, the dialogue will be continued with stakeholders at the local level.

The presentations of the workshop can be accessed here.

Stakeholders from government, extractive industry, civil society, national and international research and academic institutions

Television report on the meeting with various interviews

Restitution workshop in Moatize and Moma

Two restitution workshops were held in two districts – Moatize (Tete province) and Moma (Nampula province) between 26 May and 23 June 2022. Members of the provincial and district government attended these workshops including representatives from the health, environment, education, economy and finance sectors. They were complemented by representatives of communities, local associations, civil society, the private sector, academy and research institutions. In addition, the workshop in Moma was attended by representatives of the extractive industries operating in that district.

The two workshops were characterised by presentations of the HIA4SD project’s activities, following a discussion on the main findings and ending with next steps for policy dialogues. The participants exchanged experiences with the local mining companies, discussed opportunities and solutions for improving health and reflected on the roles of the different sector (e.g., local government, mining sector, civil society and research institutions) to promote health of the communities living in the proximities of the mining areas.

Group photo of the restitution workshop in Moatize

Follow-up activities

Up to date the local team continuously engages with various stakeholders to discuss potential policy options to promote health in mining areas. In addition, larger meetings and events are organized to discuss the findings with a broad audience both in Maputo and in different mining locations. 

Capacity Building

A general understanding of the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) approach is essential to promote its practice in Mozambique. Two successful multi-day training that lasted 1 week have already been held in Mozambique in 2022. The first course took place between 2 and 4 of August 2022 and was attended by 24 participants with various backgrounds in the private and public sector. Because of the large interest, upon the request of the Mozambican Association for Environmental Health, a second training was held from 18 to 21 of October 2022 aiming to train 17 national environmental consultants and serving to expand the coverage of people trained at national level.

The strong engagement of the participants during the courses revealed a high awareness and interest to include HIA in current Environmental Impact Assessments and in the curricula of several higher education courses in Mozambique.

Check out TRAININGS to find out more about planned and potential future HIA training opportunities.

Successful participants of the first course in August 2022

Successfull participants  of the second course in October 2022

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