
Many of the findings and experiences of the HIA4SD research project are published in the peer-reviewed literature and other outlets. In addition, the country teams have developed policy briefs to summarize the findings for policy makers.

Below, the publications are classified by topic. All documents are freely accessible through open access.


HIA4SD project

Farnham et al. (2020): Investigating health impacts of natural resource extraction projects in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mozambique, and Tanzania: Protocol for a mixed methods study

Winkler et al. (2019): Health impact assessment for promoting sustainable development: The HIA4SD project


Health impacts of natural resource extraction projects

Himmelsbach et al. (2023): Exploring the impact of mining on community health and health service delivery: Perceptions of Key Informants Involved in Gold Mining Communities in Burkina Faso

Cossa et al. (2022): Assessing the effects of mining projects on child health in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-country analysis

Cossa et al. (2021): Health studies in the context of artisanal and small-scale mining: A scoping review

Dietler et al. (2022): Industrial mining and HIV risk: evidence from 39 mine openings across 16 countries in sub-Saharan Africa

Dietler et al. (2021): Housing conditions and respiratory health in children in mining communities: An analysis of data from 27 countries in sub-Saharan Africa

Dietler et al. (2021): Impact of mining projects on water and sanitation infrastructures and associated child health outcomes: A multi-country analysis of demographic and health surveys (DHS) in sub-Saharan Africa

Dietler et al. (2020): Quantification of annual settlement growth in rural mining areas using machine learning

Farnham et al. (2022): Spatial mobility and large-scale resource extraction: An analysis of community well-being and health in a copper mining area of Zambia

Knoblauch et al. (2020): Community health impacts of the trident copper mine project in northwestern Zambia: Results from repeated cross-sectional surveys

Leuenberger, Dietler et al. (2021): Water and health in mining settings in sub-Saharan Africa: A mixed methods geospatial visualization

Leuenberger et al. (2021): Gendered health impacts of industrial gold mining in northwestern Tanzania: perceptions of local communities

Leuenberger et al. (2021): Health impacts of industrial mining on surrounding communities: Local perspectives from three sub-Saharan african countries

Leuenberger et al. (2021): “It Is Like We Are Living in a Different World”: Health Inequity in Communities Surrounding Industrial Mining Sites in Burkina Faso, Mozambique, and Tanzania

Lyatuu et al. (2021): Estimating the mortality burden of large-scale mining projects – Evidence from a prospective mortality surveillance study in Tanzania 

Lyatuu et al. (2021): Associations between natural resource extraction and incidence of acute and chronic health conditions: Evidence from Tanzania.

Lyatuu et al. (2021): Short-term effects of national-level natural resource rents on life expectancy: A cross-country panel data analysis

Zabré et al. (2021): Changes in household wealth in communities living in proximity to a large-scale copper mine in Zambia

Zabré et al. (2021): Changes in socioeconomic determinants of health in a copper mine development area, northwestern Zambia


HIA policy & practice

Proksik et al. (2024): Using Q-methodology for policy research and stakeholder engagement to strengthen public health in large-scale mining in Mozambique

Cambaco et al. (2024): Applying the photovoice method with adolescends in mining areas in rural Mozambique: critical reflections and lessons learned

Cambaco et al. (2023): Adolescent health and well-being in the context of impact assessment of natural resource extraction projects: A scoping review

Proksik et al. (2023): Exploring the policy space for public health in large-scale mining in Burkina Faso: A Q-methodology study

Farnham et al. (2023): A road map for using DHIS2 data to track progress in key health indicators in the Global South: experience from sub-saharan Africa

Leuenberger et al. (2022): Incorporating community perspectives in health impact assessment: A toolbox

Ammann et al. (2021): Health impact assessment and climate change: A scoping review

Engebretsen & Brugger (2021): Divergent corporates: Explaining mining companies divergent performance in health impact assessments

Winkler et al. (2021): Health impact assessment international best practice principles

Zabré et al. (2021): Scoping review of the inclusion of economic analysis in impact studies of natural resource extraction projects

Dietler et al. (2020): Inclusion of health in impact assessment: A review of current practice in sub-Saharan Africa

Farnham et al. (2020): Using district health information to monitor sustainable development

Winkler et al. (2020): Current global health impact assessment practice 

Leuenberger et al. (2019): Health impact assessment and health equity in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review


Policy briefs

Health impacts – r4D Policy brief Burkina Faso (French)

Health impacts – r4D Policy brief Ghana

Health impacts – r4D Policy brief Mozambique | CISM policy brief (Portuguese)

Health impacts – r4D Policy brief Tanzania | IHI policy brief

Health governance – IHI policy brief Tanzania