Synthesis meeting of the HIA4SD project in Tanzania

It is a wrap! The project team met in Zanzibar to review the last six years and take an outlook…
r4d Dialogue Forum

How does the extraction of natural resources such as minerals, metals, oil and gas affect public health, ecosystems and society? How do the public and the private sector cooperate to improve the situation in producer regions?
Multi-stakeholder workshop in Burkina Faso

The policy dialogue phase of the HIA4SD project has officially started! On 30 July 2021 the multi-stakeholder meeting took place in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
HIA4SD project moving into the policy dialogue phase

The HIA4SD project is in the process of entering a new phase: Policy dialogues. They will be initiated by multistakeholder meetings in all countries. What is the purpose of these meetings? And what to expect from them? Project leader PD Dr. Mirko Winkler explains in a short interview.