Short course on health impact assessment (HIA) of large infrastructure projects in Uganda


Introduction to health impact assessment (HIA) | Key concepts | Practical implementation

Makerere University school of Public Health in conjunction with the Swiss Tropical and Public Health institute intend to introduce a health impact assessment (HIA) short training course. HIA is a useful tool for assessing how planned projects affect the health of given population(s), the distribution of project impact and identification of which vulnerable populations are more likely to be impacted [or whether the health impacts are distributed evenly within the population. It also improves understanding of the health risks and benefits associated with infrastructural developments.

Understanding, assessing and managing community health and safety risks and impacts on areas with large infrastructure projectsposes unique challenges for decision makers. Large projects as mining and constructions of large buildings, roads, bridges, waterdams and rail roads can add to the health care demand and or create additional risks that need effective mitigation. Such projects may induced adverse community health impact or cause an influx of workers, and informal markets that increase the health care demand or at worst encourage transmission of infectious diseases. In the frame of research for development initiative ( aims to strengthen the use of health impact assessment (HIA) in the licensing process of large infrastructure projects, we areoffering a 3-day short course on HIA. The objective of the course is to contribute to a solid understanding of the HIA approach, which isfundamental to further promote HIA practice in Uganda.

Through the interactive short course, course participants will learn the concept of HIA as an approach to systematically manage andpromote community health and safety in project-affected communities. The course will be implemented in an interactive manner inwhich theory will be discussed in the context of case studies from Uganda and surrounding countries like Tanzania. The shortcourse is jointly organized by Makerere University School of Public Health Department of Health Policy and Planning and theSwiss Tropical and Public Health Institute ( in conjuction with a selected team of private consultants.

Who can attend: State institutions with sector responsibility in large mining, extractive industry and health, academia, environmental experts, mining/extractive sector players, and the media

Date and time: 14 – 16 February 2023, 08:30 – 16:30 hrs.

Location: Golf Course Hotel, Kampala, Uganda

Fees: None. The course is sponsored by the HIA4SD project ( Only 25 seats are available. Participants will beselected based on relevance on their application materials. Participants need to cover for transport and accommodation. Lunch andcoffee breaks will be provided. A certificate will be issued at the end.

Application materials required: CV and a one-page motivation letter. Please send you application to:

Application deadline: 25 November 2022


Prof. Freddie Ssengooba

Associate Professor of Health Economics and Health Systems Management

PD Dr. Mirko Winkler

International expert in health impact assessment (HIA) practice, research and training

MSc Junia Landtwing

Health Scientist and
Teaching Specialist



Feb 14 - 16 2023


8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Event Categories


Makerere University